I love this seat cushion a lot and I like to sharing it to you all :)
Everyday I always sit in front of my Laptop doing my work also watching movie and reading . It is a bit uncomfortable sitting on a plastic chair and sometimes my back will feel pain .
Well , I was plan to buy a new chair but I don't think I can but it for now *because I still need many things important to buy* . So , I bought a seat cushion and I like it a lot . It is a simple design of cushion .
By the way , I bought this seat cushion at ACE Hardware . I got a 20% discount :) Have two colors choices : silver and gold . I choose gold because it looks more luxury *I don't know if you also think that way or not , hehehe*
As you can see I have a dog . I'm not sure how old is he but if I'm not wrong he is 9-10 years old . He is old but he still so strong . Although he has a problem with his eyes , he still strong enough to playing around . I love him a lot and I miss my other dogs which passed away and missing .
Well , thanks for reading :) Sorry if my grammar confuse you to understand >.<