Hey , I Win The Mission On EyeEm !

Yay !! I join some missions and this is my first time to win it ! It feels so amazing !
Well , for the intro I wanna tell you what is EyeEm .
Nowadays we know there are so many social media on your phone / iPod or Tablet which can help you share your mood , your feelings , your photos , your artworks , even your problems . For me , I still active on Facebook , EyeEm and Instagram . But , Last year I ever stop update on Instagram . Why ? I have my private reason . I stop for around 3-4months only . And at that time I found an interesting social media to share pictures like Instagram . I Installed , and take a look what's inside it . It has so much different , and I feel so comfortable using it .

Why ? First , EyeEm has missions . You can win some money / stuff if you win a mission or get your photo post on some blog / website ! This is amazing . You are not posting it for show off but is because you wanna earn something , well not only for earn money / stuff but you can earn knowledge & friends .
Second , EyeEm has a better design . You can sneak who you follow and see , are they following you back without checking your followers one by one . You also can see your posting grid with a better design of grid . You also can discover pictures by albums . And one more , you can love it without open the pictures , only tap twice and done !
Third , EyeEm has so many professional photographers . Usually I find pictures taken using dSLR , but also have some using phone like android / iOS .
Fourth , EyeEm can sell your picture !  I still don't know how , but I get the news last time .

I assume EyeEm users are more creative . I don't know if I am , too . Hahahaa , just kidding .
If wanna compare Instagram and EyeEm , I prefer EyeEm . I got no friend of mine in real life using it , I still don't get it why !?? Maybe because still less people here know how good it is . But , It's okay .

Hey , Check out this ! I win the mission :  Things Organized Neatly By s'Ha

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