Today and my Job

When i wake up this morning, I feel good as yesterday , better than never.

I always start the day with 'a smile'

Everybody love smiling, aren't you..?


So., I got a job , about two days ago.
I will be teach two people.
One primary and One Junior High School.
They are school @ Sutomo.

hope that i can teach them well , and better than past.
Because, ....
this is a secret between you and me!
' i hate mathematics, physics, and chemistry. '

And now! I must teach all of them!
it make me freaking OUT!

I will teach @ wednesday, 15 July 2009, later.

I try to find another job, again..
because i want to make my time full, and make myself BUSY!
This first job will be start @ 13.30 o'clock until 3.30 o'clock [monday-friday]
In the morning, I will have my computer lesson in visitek on August. It will be start @ 8.30 until 10.30 [everyday???]
Naah.., I want to get another job[freelance one]
Do you know what is freelance..?

Freelance = Do the job if we have to do, Money first[send to your savings/bank] and do the job.
Maybe someone want to rent me, for that..?
A job like, translate an English language e-mail into Indonesian language..?

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