3rd Day

Today still mess up!!!
There is a woman try to flirt my husband !!!!!!!!!! X(
F*ck !!!
Hate them so much~

But,lucky me..i have someone like him , he can be trust and always honest with me :)
Love him so muuccch :-*

3days more ...
I need a forward button like in Sims game :))
And i can pause my days with him all day looongggg without worry about the time :)) hahaha~~

Need to sleep earlier , cant wait his email tomorrow :D

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  1. He also love you so much and he can't wait to see you, kiss you, hug you again, and tell you how much he loves you..

  2. Btw, when will you writing the fourth part with him cutie? :)

    1. Anonymous , well... If possible , my fourth part will be publish next month . Im not sure which week , i just can wait and wait... Wait for some good news ~

      So , just keep in touch ..! :D
      Enjoy my Daily diaries , ya... :p
